I have to start updating the blog more often. I'm missing sharing my input with all the nonsense that has been occurring. Let address some now....
I'ma need for people not to go around selling weed door to door like they a fundraiser.
Old Man, stop with the nonsense.
He need help and our school districts need to improve, but that's a whole post by in itself.
That's right, tell him how it is.
If you are thinking about getting a wild animal, don't do it. They are naturally wild, they are not meant to be tame and treated like a human.
I like how he hopped extra quick trying to play it off.
This just goes to show the type of world we live in. Kids at this age should not know about this. The mother of the girl need to evaluate herself and the people she let's her daughter be around if she knowing all this. SMH at this nonsense.
And I would like to end this post with this.
Like for real? See, this why you got to be careful and really check out the type of guys you deal with because you might think they one way, but they probably doing nonsense like this with their "homeboy."
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"They Are Still Our Slaves"
In Today's News....
I am posting this article to make people think. It is taken from a book entitled 'Read Like Your Life Depends On It'. I came across it recently at the following link: http://pridemagazine.wordpress.com/2006/04/26/they-are-still-our-slaves-very-enlightening-article-think-about/
"They Are Still Our Slaves" Very Enlightening Article. Think About It.
For those of you who heard it, this is the article Dee Lee was reading on a New York radio station. For those of you who didn't hear it, this is very deep. This is a heavy piece and a Caucasian wrote it.
I am posting this article to make people think. It is taken from a book entitled 'Read Like Your Life Depends On It'. I came across it recently at the following link: http://pridemagazine.wordpress.com/2006/04/26/they-are-still-our-slaves-very-enlightening-article-think-about/
"They Are Still Our Slaves" Very Enlightening Article. Think About It.
For those of you who heard it, this is the article Dee Lee was reading on a New York radio station. For those of you who didn't hear it, this is very deep. This is a heavy piece and a Caucasian wrote it.
We can continue to reap profits from the Blacks without the effort of physical slavery. Look at the current methods of containment that they use on themselves: IGNORANCE, GREED, and SELFISHNESS.
Their IGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. A great man once said, "The best way to hide something from Black people is to put it in a book.
We now live in the Information Age. They have gained the opportunity to read any book on any subject through the efforts of their fight for freedom, yet they refuse to read. There are numerous books readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.com, not to mention their own Black Bookstores that provide solid blueprints to reach economic equality (which should have been their fight all along), but few read consistently, if at all.
GREED is another powerful weapon of containment. Blacks, since the abolition of slavery, have had large amounts of money at their disposal. Last year they spent 10 billion dollars during Christmas, out of their 450 billion dollars in total yearly income (2.22%).
Any of us can use them as our target market, for any
business venture we care to dream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy into it. Being primarily a consumer people, they function totally by greed. They
continually want more, with little thought for saving
or investing.
They would rather buy some new sneakers than invest
in starting a business. Some even neglect their children to have the latest Tommy or FUBU, and they still think that having a Mercedes, and a big house gives them "Status" or
that they have achieved their Dream. They are fools! The vast majority of their people are still in poverty because their greed holds them back from collectively making better communities.
With the help of BET, and the rest of their black media that often broadcasts destructive images into their own homes, we will continue to see huge profits like those of Tommy and Nike. (Tommy Hilfiger has even jeered them, saying he doesn't want their money, and look at how the fools spend more with him than ever before!). They'll continue to show off to each other while we build solid communities with the profits from our businesses that we market to them.
SELFISHNESS, ingrained in their minds through slavery, is one of the major ways we can continue to contain them. One of their own, Dubois said that there was an innate division in their culture. "Talented Tenth" he called it. He was correct in his deduction that there are segments of their culture that has achieved some "form" of success. However,
that segment missed the fullness of his work. They didn't read that the "Talented Tenth" was then responsible to aid The Non-Talented Ninety Percent in achieving a better life.
Instead, that segment has created another class, Buppie class that looks down on their people or aids them in a condescending manner. They will never achieve what we have. Their selfishness does not allow them to be able to work together on any project or endeavor of substance.
When they do get together, their selfishness lets their egos get in the way of their goal. Their so-called help organizations seem to only want to promote their name without making any real change in their community.
They are content to sit in conferences and conventions in our hotels, and talk about what they will do, while they award plaques to the best speakers, not to the best doers. Is there no end to their selfishness? They steadfastly refuse to see that TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM)
They do not understand that they are no better than each other because of what they own , as a matter of fact, most of those Buppies are but one or two pay checks away from poverty. All of which is under the control of our pens in our offices and our rooms.
Yes, we will continue to contain them as long as they
refuse to read, continue to buy anything they want, and keep thinking they are "helping" their communities by paying dues to organizations which do little other than hold lavish conventions in our hotels. By the way, don't worry about any of them reading this letter, remember, 'THEY DON'T READ!!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Green Bay Hires 1st Black Cop
In Today's News.....

152 years for the first black police officer? Ridiculous.

Green Bay has a black police officer for the first time in the 152-year history of its Police Department.
Solomon Ayres starts the first phase of a 17-week training regime this week. He says he expects some resistance from both black and white residents. But thinks his life experiences will help defuse difficult situations and make him open to different points of view.
Fran Jonet, president of Green Bay’s Police and Fire Commission, says hiring a black recruit is a long-awaited step in the right direction.
Census figures show that African-Americans make up about 2.5 percent of Green Bay’s more than 98,000 people. Its Police Department as 177 officers, including 15 women, four American Indians or Alaska natives and one Hispanic.
152 years for the first black police officer? Ridiculous.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Fighting at the Hospital
In Today's News....
Nonsense in the hospital. Why don't people know how to conduct themselves in public places? Take a look at this nonsense that occurred:
Why is that guy hitting on that female? Unnecessary all the way around. Clearly, there's no clear person who they are suppose to be fighting. More so, just get ya hitting in. On a side note, the camera did a decent job filming.
Nonsense in the hospital. Why don't people know how to conduct themselves in public places? Take a look at this nonsense that occurred:
Why is that guy hitting on that female? Unnecessary all the way around. Clearly, there's no clear person who they are suppose to be fighting. More so, just get ya hitting in. On a side note, the camera did a decent job filming.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Lil Girl P-Poppin on a Handstand...?
In Today's News....
.....this is the type of nonsense I be talking about. Where are the adults? You know what, I don't even know why I asked that because clearly she learned some way.
.....this is the type of nonsense I be talking about. Where are the adults? You know what, I don't even know why I asked that because clearly she learned some way.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sprite Commercial Ad Banned
In Today's News....
Nonsense commercial for Sprite that was banned. Take a look.
Nonsense commercial for Sprite that was banned. Take a look.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
MJ memorial
I just had to say that AEG or maybe it was AIG...well yall know what company I'm talking about, had a beautiful memorial for Michael. Michael had the highway shut down and all the stations tuned into him on some presidential type stuff. But it was beautiful and may he rest in peace, even though I know the media won't let him.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Nonsense #8
In Today's News....
I couldn't stop laughing the whole time I was watching this nonsense.
I don't know why people do these things to themselves.
I couldn't stop laughing the whole time I was watching this nonsense.
I don't know why people do these things to themselves.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Nonsense #7
In Today's News....
See, this that nonsense I be talking about. Take a look at this nonsense.
She need to shoot herself, quickly.
See, this that nonsense I be talking about. Take a look at this nonsense.
She need to shoot herself, quickly.
Kiss & Tell: Karrine Steffans Back
In Today's News....
So the most hated, Karrine Steffens, is back with her Kiss & Tell DVD. Check out the trailer real quick:
"Bobby Brown said to me what the hell you doing with her. I said what was you doing with her." LMAO
Most people hate this chick, but I like her. Of course, I'm going to watch the DVD and I'm going to read the next book whenever it comes back out.
So the most hated, Karrine Steffens, is back with her Kiss & Tell DVD. Check out the trailer real quick:
"Bobby Brown said to me what the hell you doing with her. I said what was you doing with her." LMAO
Most people hate this chick, but I like her. Of course, I'm going to watch the DVD and I'm going to read the next book whenever it comes back out.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Gospel Pole Dancing?
In Today's News....
This nigga dancing on a pole in a wife beater, some jeans & some timbs.
Climbing up the pole and sliding down.
What is going on?
These where the first questions that came to mind when I saw this video.
Question #1, why is he dancing on this pole?
Question #2, why is he dancing on the pole to gospel music?
This nigga dancing on a pole in a wife beater, some jeans & some timbs.
Climbing up the pole and sliding down.
What is going on?
These where the first questions that came to mind when I saw this video.
Question #1, why is he dancing on this pole?
Question #2, why is he dancing on the pole to gospel music?
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Check This Teacher Out
In Today's News....
This a throwback video, but I remember watching this and thinking this man is funny.
This a throwback video, but I remember watching this and thinking this man is funny.
The Couple of Fools
These two should shoot themselves, especially Spencer.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Guy with 21 Kids
In Today's News....
I heard about this a couple of weeks ago, but for those that are unaware, take a look at this video:
See, this that nonsense.
This don't make no sense at all. I hope he really done with having kids like he claim he is; like I hope he plans to go get a vasectomy because he has enough on his plate.
I heard about this a couple of weeks ago, but for those that are unaware, take a look at this video:
See, this that nonsense.
This don't make no sense at all. I hope he really done with having kids like he claim he is; like I hope he plans to go get a vasectomy because he has enough on his plate.
Girl Electrocuted Trying to Twit
In Today's News....
Girl electrocuted to death trying to Twitter in the bath
Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/26700/girl-electrocuted-to-death-trying-to-twitter-in-the-bath/
Girl electrocuted to death trying to Twitter in the bath
A 17 year old girl in Romania has died while attempting to Twitter from her bathtub.
Flavia Boricea (incorrectly named on some sites as Maria Barbu) is believed to have been electrocuted while trying to plug her laptop in to continue a Twitter session interrupted by a flat battery. Reports on how she was electrocuted aren’t precise: Romanian State television said that the electrocution was due to her having wet hands, although other reports suggest the laptop fell into the bath.
She was found dead in the bathtub by her parents, with her laptop lying next to her.
It probably goes without saying folks: Twitter and bath water don’t mix.
Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/26700/girl-electrocuted-to-death-trying-to-twitter-in-the-bath/
Friday, June 19, 2009
I Bet You Feel Like a Star now
In Today's News....
I first heard about this on The View and thought it was hilarious . Take a look.
Now how do you fall sleep while "supposedly" getting 3 little stars on your face? As Whoopi said, she know she was high. That ish look a mess.
I first heard about this on The View and thought it was hilarious . Take a look.
Now how do you fall sleep while "supposedly" getting 3 little stars on your face? As Whoopi said, she know she was high. That ish look a mess.
Punk [from VH1] makes Wrestling Debut
In Today's News....
Punk, from Vh1's "Love of New York", makes his wrestling debut. I could have sworn he had a good job, so I'm curious as to why he wants to wrestle. Here take a look...
At least he wins his first fight. But he couldn't get with the WWE?
Punk, from Vh1's "Love of New York", makes his wrestling debut. I could have sworn he had a good job, so I'm curious as to why he wants to wrestle. Here take a look...
At least he wins his first fight. But he couldn't get with the WWE?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Gotta Love Our Justice System
In Today's News....
If this ain't ridiculous then I don't know what is. This is more ridiculous than the football player getting off. It don't matter how weak the case was, sick people like him should not get that light of a sentence, which he already served 9 months so he'll be getting out in September, and have the chance to so this to another child, which he will. What the hell type of prosecutors do we have in the country?
If this ain't ridiculous then I don't know what is. This is more ridiculous than the football player getting off. It don't matter how weak the case was, sick people like him should not get that light of a sentence, which he already served 9 months so he'll be getting out in September, and have the chance to so this to another child, which he will. What the hell type of prosecutors do we have in the country?
Our Justice System Serves No Justice
In Today's News.....
Our Justice System at its finest.

Now if you haven't heard of this case, this is a football player, 28, who killed a man while driving drunk over the intoxication limit. He was charged with DUI manslaughter. He plead guilty and was sentenced to do 30 days in jail, two years of house arrest, and eight years on probation.
Now everything sounded reasonable except for the 30 day jail sentence. He kills a human being and this is all he receives? He reached a financial settlement with the victim's family, but still, 30 days? That's all?
Michael Vick kills some dogs and get two years, but this guy here kills a person and only has to serve 30 days. Oh don't you love our justice system?
Our Justice System at its finest.

"Cleveland Browns wide receiver Donte' Stallworth, right, his mother Donna Stallworth, center, his lawyer Christopher Lyons, and Miami Beach police officer Kevin Millan, left, look on as assistant state attorney Pat Trese, left, speaks during a hearing in a Miami-Dade courtroom, Tuesday, June 16, 2009, in Miami. Donte' Stallworth took full responsibility for killing 59-year-old Mario Reyes while driving drunk in Florida and began serving a 30-day jail sentence Tuesday after he pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter."
Now if you haven't heard of this case, this is a football player, 28, who killed a man while driving drunk over the intoxication limit. He was charged with DUI manslaughter. He plead guilty and was sentenced to do 30 days in jail, two years of house arrest, and eight years on probation.
Now everything sounded reasonable except for the 30 day jail sentence. He kills a human being and this is all he receives? He reached a financial settlement with the victim's family, but still, 30 days? That's all?
Michael Vick kills some dogs and get two years, but this guy here kills a person and only has to serve 30 days. Oh don't you love our justice system?
Monday, June 15, 2009
Nonsense #6: videos
In Today's News....
You gotta watch all of this.
Treal Lee and Prince Rick in Get Off Me
Now after I watched that, I had no words, except he was really into it and that sweater ugly as hell.
Now this video here is just a mess. My favorite part starts at 1:42 he does "Single Ladies" Please take a look for yourself.
I present to you Tyrone Jones....
Why? That's all I want to know. I know. This must be his workout and he wanted to share it with other people. Aw, how nice.
You gotta watch all of this.
Treal Lee and Prince Rick in Get Off Me
Now after I watched that, I had no words, except he was really into it and that sweater ugly as hell.
Now this video here is just a mess. My favorite part starts at 1:42 he does "Single Ladies" Please take a look for yourself.
I present to you Tyrone Jones....
Why? That's all I want to know. I know. This must be his workout and he wanted to share it with other people. Aw, how nice.
The Taking of Pelham 123

Went to see this movie the day it came out. I already knew that I would probably like the movie just for the simple fact that Denzel Washington is in it and he can do no wrong when it comes to acting. Then you throw in John Travolta as a bad guy and you have a receipt for a good movie.
Now its not the movie of the summer because "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is coming out. But it was a good movie and not a waste of money. John's character was great.
Big Ass Chain
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
She Got Her Ass Whooped in Her Salon
In Today's News....
She need to learn how to fight back. The girl in the blue continuously whooped her ass all throughout the video with the other chick adding in her ass whooping also. People looking all in the window. Nonsense.
So if you confused as to why they are fighting, apparently the chick that got her ass whooped talk about people too much and the other lady felt the need to whoop her ass...
She need to learn how to fight back. The girl in the blue continuously whooped her ass all throughout the video with the other chick adding in her ass whooping also. People looking all in the window. Nonsense.
So if you confused as to why they are fighting, apparently the chick that got her ass whooped talk about people too much and the other lady felt the need to whoop her ass...
Stop with the Dance Songs
In Today's News....
Rappers need to stop with the dance songs so these males can stop looking like a fool doing these foolish dances.
Rappers need to stop with the dance songs so these males can stop looking like a fool doing these foolish dances.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Nonsense #5: What I Did?
In Today's News....
If you ever find yourself in this type of situation, at least attempt to fight back instead of getting body slammed three times why asking questions.
If you ever find yourself in this type of situation, at least attempt to fight back instead of getting body slammed three times why asking questions.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 26- "Stadium Music" Video
In Today's News....
Like really? Why do Bad Boy insist on not spending any money on these boys video? Like this has got to be one of the cheapest videos I have ever seen from an artist signed to a major label.
And this is my favorite song from my favorite producer and they come with this nonsense of a video. Highly disappointed.
And what is with the black and that leather all the time? Its summer time, take that off.
Like really? Why do Bad Boy insist on not spending any money on these boys video? Like this has got to be one of the cheapest videos I have ever seen from an artist signed to a major label.
And this is my favorite song from my favorite producer and they come with this nonsense of a video. Highly disappointed.
And what is with the black and that leather all the time? Its summer time, take that off.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Always Wear Underwear
People, you should always wear underwear.
Speaking of yearbooks, I still haven't went to go get one. Maybe I'll see if I still can. If not, oh well.
Speaking of yearbooks, I still haven't went to go get one. Maybe I'll see if I still can. If not, oh well.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Upcoming Movie: "Precious"
In Today's News....
This is going to be a good movie.
Trailer for the Oprah Winfery/Tyler Perry backed film "Precious," based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire. The film stars comic Mo'Nique and features Paula Patton and Mariah Carey.
This is going to be a good movie.
Trailer for the Oprah Winfery/Tyler Perry backed film "Precious," based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire. The film stars comic Mo'Nique and features Paula Patton and Mariah Carey.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Nonsense #4: Twins w/ Different Daddies
In Today's News....
See this that nonsense I be talking about...
Now this video you about to see next....this shit is just rediculous...
You should not get in fights if you have on a dress and know you ain't got no underwear on.
"She ain;t got no draws on"
Next video, bitch ass shit...
How is gon be 6 niggas trying to beat up somebody and still don't whoop this dude ass.
See this that nonsense I be talking about...
Now this video you about to see next....this shit is just rediculous...
You should not get in fights if you have on a dress and know you ain't got no underwear on.
"She ain;t got no draws on"
Next video, bitch ass shit...
How is gon be 6 niggas trying to beat up somebody and still don't whoop this dude ass.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
4 Middle School Boys Rapes a Boy
In Today's News....
That's a horrible thing to do to a person. I hope the boy doesn't have physical damage for the rest of his life from this nonsense act. I don't know what the hell wrong with these kids these days.
That's a horrible thing to do to a person. I hope the boy doesn't have physical damage for the rest of his life from this nonsense act. I don't know what the hell wrong with these kids these days.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
"Next Day Air"
Friday, May 8, 2009
In Today's News...

Okay, so I guess I'm like a week late, but I try not to see movies when they first come just because of the crowd, but I finally got the chance to go see this. Of course I had to see it because Beyonce my girl. Gotta support.
Wasn't disappointed at all. The movie kept my interest all the way through.
By far my favorite part, besides Beyonce's comments during the fight sence [LOL] was character saying...."BITCH BREATH"....[LMAO]
You know how you have some movies you'll see again and some you won't, this will be one I would watch again.

Okay, so I guess I'm like a week late, but I try not to see movies when they first come just because of the crowd, but I finally got the chance to go see this. Of course I had to see it because Beyonce my girl. Gotta support.
Wasn't disappointed at all. The movie kept my interest all the way through.
By far my favorite part, besides Beyonce's comments during the fight sence [LOL] was character saying...."BITCH BREATH"....[LMAO]
You know how you have some movies you'll see again and some you won't, this will be one I would watch again.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Celtics/Magic: Eddie getting slapped upside the head
In Today's News....
So I watching this game when this happen.
LMAO at Rafer Alston slapping my guy Eddie House (ain't he such a cutie) upside the head. Clearly, he was mad.
So I watching this game when this happen.
LMAO at Rafer Alston slapping my guy Eddie House (ain't he such a cutie) upside the head. Clearly, he was mad.
Money Mayweather Coming Back
In Today's News....
Floyd Mayweather, you gotta love his cockiness. I'm not into boxing and seeing people get their face punched in, but I'll make sure I tune into this fight so I can see what he about because I've never seen him fight.
Floyd Mayweather, you gotta love his cockiness. I'm not into boxing and seeing people get their face punched in, but I'll make sure I tune into this fight so I can see what he about because I've never seen him fight.
Day26 don't like Donnie right now
In Today's News....
You know, the more times I watch them/hear them do an interviews, they just become lamer and lamer to me. They just some crybaby ass niggas with no swag [I hate this word and wish it would go away, but that's the only word that would come to my head in these A.M. hours to get my point across] and they need a stylist. Okay, that is all.
You know, the more times I watch them/hear them do an interviews, they just become lamer and lamer to me. They just some crybaby ass niggas with no swag [I hate this word and wish it would go away, but that's the only word that would come to my head in these A.M. hours to get my point across] and they need a stylist. Okay, that is all.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Nonsense #3: video
In Today's News....
Damn, this show still on. I guess the same topic never gets old. But to the video...
Like really?
Damn, this show still on. I guess the same topic never gets old. But to the video...
Like really?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
In Today's News....
I just can't help but laugh every time that hook is said. "EHHHH....How you doin....EHHH"....LMAO....
"Oh damn the song overs"....lol....people just amaze me everyday. From them dance moves to that song, you know this video funny as hell.
I just can't help but laugh every time that hook is said. "EHHHH....How you doin....EHHH"....LMAO....
"Oh damn the song overs"....lol....people just amaze me everyday. From them dance moves to that song, you know this video funny as hell.
Nonsense #2: a few videos from WSH
In Today's News....
I don't have a problem with gay people. But them lil young niggas gay.
Everyone else that starting fighting after the initial fight just wanted to hit someone. They probably don't have a valid reason for fighting. The males talking to the camera are silly. The girls fighting are silly. It's just a silly situation.
Also, if you are going to be the camera person, keep the camera still and get good shots. This person did not do a good camera job.
Aw, damn.
I don't have a problem with gay people. But them lil young niggas gay.
Everyone else that starting fighting after the initial fight just wanted to hit someone. They probably don't have a valid reason for fighting. The males talking to the camera are silly. The girls fighting are silly. It's just a silly situation.
Also, if you are going to be the camera person, keep the camera still and get good shots. This person did not do a good camera job.
Aw, damn.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Don't Take the Chicken from the Black People
This how the people feel when you take the chicken from em'
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
U.S. Hate Groups
In Today's News....
It ain't all merry just cause Obama in the house. But y'all knew that, right?
It ain't all merry just cause Obama in the house. But y'all knew that, right?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
R.I.P. Buddy
In Today's News...

This is for my sister's dog. When I first met him, he was a scary dog, but soon he began to not be so scary. He's the only dog I have been able to give a hi-five too. He was a nice dog, except he used to always go around cocking his leg up sometimes urinating. But now I know the reason why he did that.
He was put to sleep today due to complications with his bladder and the doctors saying he was in pain. They came over just last night, but I wasn't home yet to see them. I would have liked to see Buddy one more time and wished that the operation to make him better wasn't so much. But now we know he's free of pain.
I hate death.
This is for my sister's dog. When I first met him, he was a scary dog, but soon he began to not be so scary. He's the only dog I have been able to give a hi-five too. He was a nice dog, except he used to always go around cocking his leg up sometimes urinating. But now I know the reason why he did that.
He was put to sleep today due to complications with his bladder and the doctors saying he was in pain. They came over just last night, but I wasn't home yet to see them. I would have liked to see Buddy one more time and wished that the operation to make him better wasn't so much. But now we know he's free of pain.
I hate death.
Day26: Forever In a Day
In Today's News...

I brought it. The last time I bought a CD was Beyonce's "Sasha Fierce" off iTunes. But I can't remember the last time I actually went in a store and bought a CD. But I gave in this one time and decided to go ahead and support the damn group. I think the only reason is because I got a chance to preview the whole album via MTV Leak. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have bought it.
Right now my favorite songs on the album is:
"Stadium Music" [but that don't really count because I been had that song downloaded right after I saw the episode of them recording it...and I notice the CD version had a lil instrumentation added versus the one I have downloaded]
"Your Heels"....mainly because of the hook. I like the way they formatted that. Que did something right. I got to find out who wrote that hook.
"Need That"....something different, and I like it
Oh and I had to come back and add...
"Shawty Wats Up" feat. T-Pain (which reminds me I still haven't heard his album)
Them two the main one's that will be getting played back and fourth until I listen to the rest of the album this weekend during my two hour ride to a track meet.
Of course, Diddy had to add his damn advertisement for his cologne in the case. Threw that in the trash.
I would have liked the booklet to have a lil more in it, like maybe some pictures or better yet lyrics to a few of the songs, like Beyonce booklet did. But I think it's a solid album.
I think they made it past the sophomore jinx, as far as with the album. Now can the group make it past this, I don't know. I'll be hopeful.
On a side note, my coach thinks that Que is gay and that Dawn is his cover up. And his belief that if Que was to come out the closet and go solo, he would sell millions of records. And Dawn would go on to have her own show called Dawn of a New Day. LOL.
I don't think he is gay, just feminine at times and even if he was gay, he wouldn't sell millions of records by himself. But I hope I grow to like 12 out the 15 songs so I an feel I got my $10.87 worth :)
I brought it. The last time I bought a CD was Beyonce's "Sasha Fierce" off iTunes. But I can't remember the last time I actually went in a store and bought a CD. But I gave in this one time and decided to go ahead and support the damn group. I think the only reason is because I got a chance to preview the whole album via MTV Leak. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have bought it.
Right now my favorite songs on the album is:
"Stadium Music" [but that don't really count because I been had that song downloaded right after I saw the episode of them recording it...and I notice the CD version had a lil instrumentation added versus the one I have downloaded]
"Your Heels"....mainly because of the hook. I like the way they formatted that. Que did something right. I got to find out who wrote that hook.
"Need That"....something different, and I like it
Oh and I had to come back and add...
"Shawty Wats Up" feat. T-Pain (which reminds me I still haven't heard his album)
Them two the main one's that will be getting played back and fourth until I listen to the rest of the album this weekend during my two hour ride to a track meet.
Of course, Diddy had to add his damn advertisement for his cologne in the case. Threw that in the trash.
I would have liked the booklet to have a lil more in it, like maybe some pictures or better yet lyrics to a few of the songs, like Beyonce booklet did. But I think it's a solid album.
I think they made it past the sophomore jinx, as far as with the album. Now can the group make it past this, I don't know. I'll be hopeful.
On a side note, my coach thinks that Que is gay and that Dawn is his cover up. And his belief that if Que was to come out the closet and go solo, he would sell millions of records. And Dawn would go on to have her own show called Dawn of a New Day. LOL.
I don't think he is gay, just feminine at times and even if he was gay, he wouldn't sell millions of records by himself. But I hope I grow to like 12 out the 15 songs so I an feel I got my $10.87 worth :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Employed, next day, Unemployed
In Today's News....
LOL @ "Sorry Pal" at the end of that text message. Owner could have at least had their last paychecks ready. I foresee a lawsuit awaiting him.
LOL @ "Sorry Pal" at the end of that text message. Owner could have at least had their last paychecks ready. I foresee a lawsuit awaiting him.
"Love Lockdown" Breakdown
In Today's News....
So I was doing my daily surfing through my common sites and came across a post that linked me to a video on YouTube. This user on YouTube had a breakdown of Kanye's Love Lockdown video. Now, I've heard the song, but I never listen to the whole damn thing because it gets on my nerves and I have never watched the video because I don't like the song.
But, I did watch this 5 part video that this YouTube user posted and what she said was making sense. I'm going to post Kanye's video for Love Lockdown, then the 5 part breakdown of it. I'm sure you'll find this interesting like I did.
Kanye West's "Love Lockdown"
Okay, that's the video. You probably thinking what the hell is going on, I was. Now for the breakdown of it:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Embed was disabled. This part was showing parts of the American Psycho movie. But here is the link:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5 [not dealing with video, just a statement Kanye said]:
Okay, now that you have watched and listened, you gotta admit, she does make some sense. I'm going to have to do some more research about who came up with the concept and the director. But she making sense. If Kanye comes out, I'll still listen to his music.... :)
So I was doing my daily surfing through my common sites and came across a post that linked me to a video on YouTube. This user on YouTube had a breakdown of Kanye's Love Lockdown video. Now, I've heard the song, but I never listen to the whole damn thing because it gets on my nerves and I have never watched the video because I don't like the song.
But, I did watch this 5 part video that this YouTube user posted and what she said was making sense. I'm going to post Kanye's video for Love Lockdown, then the 5 part breakdown of it. I'm sure you'll find this interesting like I did.
Kanye West's "Love Lockdown"
Okay, that's the video. You probably thinking what the hell is going on, I was. Now for the breakdown of it:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Embed was disabled. This part was showing parts of the American Psycho movie. But here is the link:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5 [not dealing with video, just a statement Kanye said]:
Okay, now that you have watched and listened, you gotta admit, she does make some sense. I'm going to have to do some more research about who came up with the concept and the director. But she making sense. If Kanye comes out, I'll still listen to his music.... :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Cassie Shaves It Off

I know your music career ain't poppin like that and its not much buzz there, but must you go do something so radical to get attention?
That shit is horrible. Shoot Yourself.
**Now, if she was to shave that other side off and do the mohawk think with long hair, that ish will be hot. Someone should tell her that. But just one side, no.
Police Can't Stop Me
Aye, she went in on em. See how they thought they had here stopped and she drives right off, LOL. Nonetheless, this was dangerous and she was clearly not in her right mind.
MTB4/Day26 "Forever in a Day"
So in this past episode of Making the Band 4, that nigga Willie finally broke down and shed a tear. I never thought I'd see it. Now I can say all them some crying ass niggas. I guess it won't be anymore drama now since Que said sorry and they started laughing together again. Aw, how cute. Personally, I enjoyed the drama. Dawn is such a peace maker. MTV didn't have to show them without no make-up though. They know that was wrong.
I did go and preview their album. Sounds like a pretty decent album. Out the 15, I like about 7/8. In order for me to buy an album though, I gotta like 75% of it though. So I might not buy it. At one point, it was slow song, another one, and another one, and I was like no, but I like two of my favorite songs [besides the singles] was at the end, so second thought. But I'll probably go ahead and buy it, I might not. Who knows, I'm moody. Sound like I'll like that song Dawn & Que wrote, even though didn't care for the way he was singing on there. But I'll probably go ahead and buy it, for the support of Dawn writing a song, my favorite producer B.Cox has like 3 songs on there, and Willie's son because he was so cute, lol.....and Big Mike. And the rest of the guys.
I wonder will they do another season. Hmmm.....I think as long as they stay together, that Diddy is going to have them doing that show, rather they want to or not. Hell its probably in their contract, lol.
Til next time.
I did go and preview their album. Sounds like a pretty decent album. Out the 15, I like about 7/8. In order for me to buy an album though, I gotta like 75% of it though. So I might not buy it. At one point, it was slow song, another one, and another one, and I was like no, but I like two of my favorite songs [besides the singles] was at the end, so second thought. But I'll probably go ahead and buy it, I might not. Who knows, I'm moody. Sound like I'll like that song Dawn & Que wrote, even though didn't care for the way he was singing on there. But I'll probably go ahead and buy it, for the support of Dawn writing a song, my favorite producer B.Cox has like 3 songs on there, and Willie's son because he was so cute, lol.....and Big Mike. And the rest of the guys.
I wonder will they do another season. Hmmm.....I think as long as they stay together, that Diddy is going to have them doing that show, rather they want to or not. Hell its probably in their contract, lol.
Til next time.
The Guy: "What You Doing?"
In Today's News....
Why do guys always start by asking you what you doing? Not all guys are like this. But there the ones out there that always ask what you doing. For example, I text with these two guys and these niggas always asking me what I'm doing. They ask me more than one time in a day. Then when I tell them, it's like aw. If that's all you can say, then what the hell you asking for. If I'm asking what somebody doing its usually just intro to start a convo because I really don't give a damn about what they doing. This is exactly why I don't talk to these niggas on the phone because I know they to dull to have a good conversation with.
I said I was going to write at least every other day, so I'm trying to get into writing more often. Til next time.....Oh wait I forgot that Making the Band came on. Okay, I'm gonna put that in its on post right above this one....
Why do guys always start by asking you what you doing? Not all guys are like this. But there the ones out there that always ask what you doing. For example, I text with these two guys and these niggas always asking me what I'm doing. They ask me more than one time in a day. Then when I tell them, it's like aw. If that's all you can say, then what the hell you asking for. If I'm asking what somebody doing its usually just intro to start a convo because I really don't give a damn about what they doing. This is exactly why I don't talk to these niggas on the phone because I know they to dull to have a good conversation with.
I said I was going to write at least every other day, so I'm trying to get into writing more often. Til next time.....Oh wait I forgot that Making the Band came on. Okay, I'm gonna put that in its on post right above this one....
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I Should Blog More Often
Because there's is plenty of nonsense going on the world for me to speak upon...and this not even including my life. So if it's not at least one thing everyday, then at least every other day. There's plenty to be talked about. It's not like I have a particular aim with my blog. I just speak about what it is.
Now the thing I want to know is why lately in the news has there been people killing their family members? Like is it the recession that's doing this? Couldn't be. These people just had to be a little unstable in the head. One thing that has always bothered me is when a person kills someone and then kill themselves. Pointless.
Now the thing I want to know is why lately in the news has there been people killing their family members? Like is it the recession that's doing this? Couldn't be. These people just had to be a little unstable in the head. One thing that has always bothered me is when a person kills someone and then kill themselves. Pointless.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I'mma Put It On Her/Crying Ass Niggas
I see that Bad Boy have increased Day26's video budget this time around. But my question is why is Joc and Diddy on this song? They are not needed. This is why my version on my iPod contains neither one of them. I can't stand when they just throw a rapper on an R&B song because they think they think its going to make the song hot. That's not always the case.
Also, these niggas are too damn emotional. And these niggas be crying hard too, lol. Of course, a new episode of the MTB4 came on and of course Que had lost his damn mind again. He was acting diva on his manager, lmao. I think I know what's the problem. He be sending too much time with Dawn and not enough with the group. Yep, that's what I say until he reveal the problem on the remaining episodes, which I don't think he is. Dawn should have moved out the house. You see Aundrea is not in the house anymore, so why is Dawn still there? Because Q is? He need to be with his group members so he stop acting so feminine. I been reading comments and a lot of em say he gay or he on drugs. I would hope that he not gay since he with Dawn. Drugs? Maybe. Something in his ass......lol
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Invasion of Privacy
The U.S. Government Wants To Tap Into All Your Computers & Delete Any Copyrighted Material You May Have........
What? No, this must not happen. We must not allow this legislation to pass because I like my privacy. The thought of someone being able to go into my computer without my permission and take whatever they want off my computer when they want does not sit well with me, nor should it sit well with anyone. If people was putting out quality material, people would not bootleg stuff [somewhat] and if the country didn't have such money issues, people would maybe actually go buy stuff. But either way, that will be an invasion of privacy and I cannot stand behind Obama if he was to sign this into law.
What? No, this must not happen. We must not allow this legislation to pass because I like my privacy. The thought of someone being able to go into my computer without my permission and take whatever they want off my computer when they want does not sit well with me, nor should it sit well with anyone. If people was putting out quality material, people would not bootleg stuff [somewhat] and if the country didn't have such money issues, people would maybe actually go buy stuff. But either way, that will be an invasion of privacy and I cannot stand behind Obama if he was to sign this into law.
Making the Band: Day26
Have you caught the show lately? If you are a fan of the show like I am, you will notice that Que seems to have been the main character of the past few episodes from getting into it with his group members. Earlier in this blog, I said that he and maybe Robert was my favorite, but that has changed. Willie is now my favorite and believe it or not, I didn't used to like him that much at first for some reason. But Willie is my favorite on the show because I understand and agree with him and his whole demeanor is smooth. I like Mike too; he just be trying to chill. Brain cool when he not yelling and Robert cool, even though I don't know what's up with his style, i.e that mohack with slick hair on the side and knee high boots. But this nigga Que, this nigga there was acting like a bitch. He too damn emotional when trying to get his point across.
I am looking forward to their album though. Like last time, I don't feel that they are receiving promotion like they should. I have yet to hear the song on the radio here [then again STL radio sucks] and I haven't saw a video. Their album coming out in like 3 weeks, a video should have been out like at least 2 weeks ago to start getting some buzz. But since they got the show, that's their main promotion. I didn't agree with the direction Que wanted to go with the album because I miss having a male R&B group and that's what they were for me. I'm so sick of what's on the radio and R&B people trying to go into the POP direction. So I hope they stayed with the R&B. I might just buy them album if I like at least 75% of the album and I hope they have at least 12 tracks. We shall see.
Til next week's episode when the fight happens. They said it'll never come to blows, but it looks like that's what happen, even though Que swung 3 times and missed all 3 times. Hopefully he is acting better now. I take it since the album still coming out that he has stopped acting like a damn fool. I'll be responding back about this next Thursday.
I am looking forward to their album though. Like last time, I don't feel that they are receiving promotion like they should. I have yet to hear the song on the radio here [then again STL radio sucks] and I haven't saw a video. Their album coming out in like 3 weeks, a video should have been out like at least 2 weeks ago to start getting some buzz. But since they got the show, that's their main promotion. I didn't agree with the direction Que wanted to go with the album because I miss having a male R&B group and that's what they were for me. I'm so sick of what's on the radio and R&B people trying to go into the POP direction. So I hope they stayed with the R&B. I might just buy them album if I like at least 75% of the album and I hope they have at least 12 tracks. We shall see.
Til next week's episode when the fight happens. They said it'll never come to blows, but it looks like that's what happen, even though Que swung 3 times and missed all 3 times. Hopefully he is acting better now. I take it since the album still coming out that he has stopped acting like a damn fool. I'll be responding back about this next Thursday.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Back To Work
Sadly, my week of Spring Break is now over. I enjoyed not having to go to work, nor go to school. Now I must return to both. Just 8 more weeks of school, then I do not have to worry about homework nor studying. So tomorrow I return back to work, then the day after that, back in class. On a happier note, I get paid this week. Even though the checks will be short a week's worth of work, it can recoup for the shopping I did these past 3 days. Til next time...
Friday, March 6, 2009
What is Wrong With Our Youth?
Kids are just getting worse as each generation comes on. This right here is why parents need to have their kids under control. This is just unnecessary. Take a look at this nonsense....
Then there is nonsense like this that occurs all around the world. This is why people need to stop having babies. Action at the end....
Then there is nonsense like this that occurs all around the world. This is why people need to stop having babies. Action at the end....
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Danity Kane.....ah

Oh...I just don't understand why they could not get it together. Danity Kane was something fresh and now it is no longer. Now what are they going to do? No one is ever bigger than the group. I'll have to think about a member going solo from a group and being bigger than the group [K-Ci & JoJo don't count]. I do hope the best for Dawn and Andrea, clearly they were my favorites. But all the girls made a good group together. Oh well.

I hope this group can keep it together, only because of Q and maybe Robert. Its funny because I used to like Robert and didn't like Q at first, but now it's the other way around; Robert, Magnum still cool. And not only that, but because I miss male R&B groups. We need more of them. I wish we could have some good girl groups too, but hey, I never expect a group to last for too long. Someone always wants to go solo thinking they can be bigger than the group.
I didn't fully listen to every song on their first album, well I did, but not listen to every one completely through. I'm wondering what they are going to bring with the 2nd album. Their second single, "Since You Been Gone" did not get the type of airtime is should have in my opinion, nor did their album. People only know about them and Danity Kane because of MTV. So I don't think that says a lot on the end of Bad Boy because their audience could be so much wider.
Diddy need to quit playing his artists. I don't understand why anyone would sign under him, especially after all the stuff I've read and the stuff I read about Craig Mack coming out with a "tell all" book about Bad Boy. But I guess when they chasing a dream and the opportunity right there in front of them, they don't want to think about what they are truly getting into out of fear of never getting that chance again. I like Diddy, but Bad Boy promotion sucks.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I Miss My Sidekick
Time to Get It Rolling....
So I've decided to go ahead and fix up my website and get that up to par like I plan to do with this blog. It's time to put these two things to use and get some traffic to my site and this blog. My website will be fixed up and used for business purposes. This blog will be for entertainment.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Guess I'll Use This Now.....
I've had this blog for awhile, but I just never used it. I started in July 2008, but never got around to using it the way I intended to. Plus I could never figure out why the blog would not put the space between my paragraphs, so I was like to hell with it. But now that I am learning XHTML, I know how to format my blog the way I would like to. Starting in February, I will begin to blog.
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